Reaching Educationally Aspiring Dynamic Youth (READY) is the mission of the First Baptist Church. READY Academy Christian School is committed to providing a Christian foundation and quality education for children. In partnership with families and communities, READY Academy will emphasize specialization in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and the arts (STEMA) to meet the individual, academic needs of each child. The First Baptist Church READY Academy Christian School’s Board of Education, administration, faculty and staff believe God has a purpose for each child and that all children can learn.
Daily AssignmentsConference Calls will be made at
9:30a.m everyday. Do not forget to tune in! PK4 Daily SchedulePK4/MCLEAN/WILKERSON 7:30 – 7:40 Daily Morning Prayer 7:40 – 7:50 Bathroom Break 7:55 – 8:05 Morning Management 8:05 – 08:50 Bible /Math Skills 8:55 – 09:40 Phonics/Handwriting Skills 9:45- 10:30 Language/Readiness Skills 10:45 - 10:55 BATHROOM BREAK 11:00 – 11:25 LUNCH 11:25 - 11-55 RECESS 12:00 -1:30 Nap Time 1:00 - 01:35 Math Centers 1:40 - 02:15 Phonics Centers 2:20 - 02:55 Language Centers 3:00-3:30- Drop Everything And Read 3:30-3:45 Snack 3:45-4:00 Dismissal
MONDAY, MArch 30
Writing: Practice writing cursive letters a, e, i, o, and u on lined paper with no assistance. Do your best! (Refer to video below)
Bible: Acts 16:31 – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved ( Assessment on Friday) Worship: Every Move I Make (Video Below) Math: Review- What number comes before? Write anwsers on lined paper. (Assessment on Friday) 1.____ , 20 2.____ ,9 3.____ ,11 4.____ ,19 5.____ , 6 6.____ ,10 7.____ ,1 Reading/Phonics: Mark the short and long vowels. Write anwsers on lined paper. (Refer to video) 1. lake 2. pond 3. cat 4. cake 5.mom 6. dad 7. time Drop Everything And Read- David Goes To School (Refer to video) Language: Review sight words below Write sight words 3 times each. ( Assessment Friday) the and of a to in is you that it Tuesday, march 31
Writing: Continue practicing writing cursive letters a, e, i, o, and u on lined paper with no assistance. Do your best! (Refer to video below)
Bible: Acts 16:31 – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved ( Assessment on Friday) Worship: Every Move I Make (Video Below) Math: Review- What number comes before? Write anwsers on lined paper. (Assessment on Friday) Review Number Recognition Video below. (Assessment on Friday) 1.____ , 15 2.____, 12 3.____ ,17 4.____ ,22 5.____ , 5 6.____ , 7 7____ , 25 Phonics/ Reading: Review Video below. Sort short and long vowel words. One vowel/ Two vowels. Language: Review video below. Sight word practice. ( Assessment on Friday) Sight Word PracticeNumber RecognitionPhonics Part 1Phonics Part 2wednesday, April 1
Bible: Acts 16:31 – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved ( Assessment on Friday) Worship: Every Move I Make Math: Review- What number comes before and after? Write anwsers on lined paper. (Assessment on Friday) 1. ____ , 15, ____ 2. ____, 12 ,____ 3. ____ ,17 ,____ 4. ____ ,22, ____ 5. ____ , 5, ____ 6. ____ , 7, ____ 7. ____ , 25, ____ Number words match- Match each number with number word. 1. eight 6 2. ten 2 3. nine 5 4. seven 4 5 .one 0 6. zero 3 7. two 8 8. three 1 9. five 7 10. four 10 11. six 9 Numbers you will need to be able to recognize. 11, 77, 83, 20, 23, 59, 35, 18, 16, 62 Phonics/Reading: None Language: Continue to review the ten sight words and review Days of the Week video below. Number Word PracticeNumber Recognition PracticeDays Of The Week Practicethursday, April 2
Writing: Write short and long vowel words. Focus on house rules. (Continue to follow Ms. Wilkerson's phonics and writing video from last week) Bible: Acts 16:31 – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved ( Assessment on Friday) Math: Watch video lessons of Ms. McLean below 1.Number word match 2. Number Recognition 3.What number comes before and after. ( Assessment on Friday) Language: 1.How many days are there in a week? 2.Write the days of the week starting with Sunday. Reading/Phonics: Focus on short and long vowels words following writing assignment Number word matchMaterials needed for math next week ( Parents)Number RecognitionWhat number comes before and after?Days of the weekfridaY, April 3
Writing: Assessment Bible: Assessment Acts 16:31 Lesson: Math: Assessment 1.What number comes before and after 2.Number Recognition 3.Number Words Reading/Phonics: Assessment Language: Assessment 1. Sight words Monday, march 23
Writing: Refer to cursive writing video below for letters
a e i o u. Bible: Continue to review The Ten Commandents Lesson. http://ministry-to-childern.com/ten-commandments-lesson-for kids Worship: You deserve it and Because He Lives( links below) Math: Complete what number comes before worksheet. Exercise with zero the hero! 0-100 (link below) Reading/Phonics: Blending short vowel words(Refer to teaching below) Drop Everything and Read: The foot book ( Video below) Language: Review sightword video ![]()
tuesday, march 24
Writing: Refer to cursive writing video below for letters
a e i o u. Bible: Continue to review The Ten Commandments Lesson. http://ministry-to-childern.com/ten-commandments-lesson-for kids Worship: You deserve it and Because He Lives( links below) Math: Complete what number comes after worksheet. Reading/Phonics: Blending long vowel words. (Teaching below) Language: Refer to sight word video below ![]()
wednesday, march 25
Writing: Continue to refer to cursive writing video for letters a,e,i,o,u.
Bible: Continue to review Ten Commandments lesson. Worship- Open the eyes of my heart. Math: Complete what number comes before and after worksheet. Number recognition 1-100.( Refer to videos below) Reading/Phonics: Marking short and long vowels. (Refer to Tuesday phonic teaching) Language: Continue to review sight word video ![]()
thursday, march 26
Writing: Complete cursive writing letter e worksheet. Continue to review cursive writing video.
Bible: Ten Commandments Video (link below) Worship: Open The Eyes Of My Heart (link below) Math: Complete number and number words recognition practice worksheet. Complete what number comes before worksheet. (Math video links below) Reading/Phonics: Marking short and long vowels reading sentences. Continue to review phonics video.(Ms. Wilkerson Teaching) Language: Continue to review sight word video ![]()
friday, march 27
Writing: Complete Letter i cursive worksheet.
Bible: "Go Fish" Ten Commandments video. Recite the 10 commandments. Math: Complete number writing practice worksheet. Review numbers Chart. Reading/Phonics: Complete short and long vowel worksheet. Language: None ![]()
Conference call setup
To access the online conference call use the information below. Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6319 Access code: 573763# Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/pk496 Online meeting ID: pk496 For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text "Help" to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply. |
Assignment Drop BoxUse this form to submit your weekly assignments.
Online Resources
Education.com Google Classroom IXL ABCYA Starfall KhanAcademyKahootSchoology Class Dojo