Reaching Educationally Aspiring Dynamic Youth (READY) is the mission of the First Baptist Church. READY Academy Christian School is committed to providing a Christian foundation and quality education for children. In partnership with families and communities, READY Academy will emphasize specialization in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and the arts (STEMA) to meet the individual, academic needs of each child. The First Baptist Church READY Academy Christian School’s Board of Education, administration, faculty and staff believe God has a purpose for each child and that all children can learn.
PK3 Daily SchedulePK3 Daily AssignmentsMONDAY, APRIL 6-FRIDAY, APRIL 10
Assignment DropboxUse this form to submit your weekly assignments.
Online Resources
Education.com Google Classroom IXL ABCYA Starfall KhanAcademy Kahoot Schoology Class Dojo